April 1, 2016

About Me

Greetings friend and welcome to my photography site! This is where I host all of my portfolio work. Some of my photos may eventually be available for purchase as high-quality prints.

Currently based in southeastern Wyoming, I'm in a perfect spot for the types of photography I enjoy most — landscapes, weather, and astrophotography. I love getting outdoors, especially for hiking and skiing. Some of the tallest and most beautiful mountain ranges in the United States are within a day's drive. Not only do these mountains provide plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation, but they also look quite purty on a camera. The ever-changing weather over the Rockies and nearby High Plains often leads to some incredible photo opportunities as well. Finally, there aren't too many other places with darker night skies in the continental U.S. than right here in Wyoming and western Colorado.

Originally from the East Coast, I moved out west for grad school in 2012. After falling in love with the beauty of the mountain west, I decided to stick around following graduation. My degrees are in atmospheric science and my graduate research focused on High Plains drylines (M.S.) and lake-effect snowstorms over the eastern Great Lakes (PhD).

For my day job, I now work as a research scientist at the University of Wyoming with the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium. Most of my work focuses on running the Space Grant's high-altitude balloon program. Outside of work, you can typically find me fooling around in the mountains (skiing, hiking, hunting), chasing storms in the spring, and playing pick up soccer.